Articoli e pubblicazioni
Premio ILAB Breslauer per opere di taglio bibliografico

Data 01/12/2020       Categoria Articoli e pubblicazioni
Autore Admin

Premio ILAB Breslauer per opere di taglio bibliografico

Un premio internazionale denso di prestigio e tradizione giunto alla 16a edizione.
Nel corso del 2014 saranno premiate una o più opere di carattere bibliografico pubblicate tra il 2009 e il 2013. 
Le iscrizioni al premio sono aperte fino al termine del mese di Aprile 2013.
Tutti i dettagli sono disponibili su

Di seguito riportiamo l'elenco delle opere attualmente iscritte alla 16a Edizione del concorso

Aron, Paul and Jacques Espagnon: Répertoire des Pastiches et Parodies Littéraires des XIXe et Xxe siècles. Paris, PU Paris Sorbonne, 2009. (Collection “Histoire de l’Imprimé”).

Bromer, David J.: Aun Aprendo. A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Writingsof Aldous Leonard Huxley.Compiled by David J. Bromer in collaboration withShannon Struble. Boston, Bromer Booksellers, 2011.

Cantele, G. and R. Sbiroli: Roberto Ridolfi. Bibliografia. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, 2010. (Biblioteca di Bibliografia Italiana CLXXXIX. Diretta da Luigi Balsamo).

Felcone, J. J.: Printing in New Jersey 1754-1800. Worcester, American Antiquarian Society, 2012

Fischer, Ernst: Verleger, Buchhändler & Antiquare aus Deutschland und Österreich in der Emigration nach 1933. Ein biographisches Handbuch. Elbingen, Verband Deutscher Antiquare, 2011.

Fontaine, J.-P.: Cazin l’éponyme galvaudé. Préface de Christian Galantaris. Paris, L’Hexaèdre, 2012.

Frohnsdorff, G.: Early Printing in Saint Vincent. The Island’s First Printers and Their Work, With a List of Saint Vincent Imprints, 1767-1834. New Castle, Delaware, Oak Knoll Press, 2009.

Gauz, Valeria: Portuguese and Brazilian Books in the John Carter Brown Library 1537 to 1839. With a Selection of Braziliana Printed in Countries Other than Portugal and Brazil Complied and edited by Valeria Gauz. Published by the John Carter Brown Library, Providence, Rhode Island, 2009.

Kristensen, M.: Bogbindernes bla Bog. Kunstfaerdige danske bogbind ca 1880-2000. Dansk Forening for Bogbind, 2010.

Kuipers, T.: Abraham Kuyper. An Annotated Bibliography 1857-2010. With a Foreword by George Harinck. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2011. (Brill’s Series in Church History, volume 55).

Luginbühl, M. and H. Bothien: Meisterwerke des frühen Buchdrucks. Die Inkunabel-Schätze der Kantonsbibliothek Thurgau aus den Klöstern von Ittingen, Fischingen und Kreuzlingen. Frauenfeld, Stuttgart, Wien, Verlag Huber, 2011.

Lundblad, Kristina: Om betydelsen av böckers utseende. Det svenska förlagsbandets framväxt och etablering under perioden 1840-1914 med särskild hänsyn till dekorerade klotband. En studie av bokbandens formgivning, teknik och relation till frågor om modernitet och materiell kultur. Malmö, Ramos, 2010.

Orr, G. and B. Torrey: Jim Harrison, A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1964-2008. Lincoln & London, Univeristy of Nebraska Press, 2009.

The Oxford Companion to the Book. Edited by Michael F. Suarez, S.J. and H.R. Woudhuysen. Oxford University Press, 2010. Two volumes.

Perret, J.: Regards sur les Alpes. 100 livres d’exception, 1515-1908. Paris, Editions du Mont Blanc, 2011.

Pettegree, A. and M. Walsby (Eds): French Books III & IV. Books published in France before 1601 in Latin and Languages other than French. Two volumes. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2012.

Pettegree, A.: The Book in the Renaissance. London, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2011.

Pettegree, A. and M. Walsby (Eds): Netherlandish Books. Books published in the Low Countries and Dutch Books printed abroad before 1601. Two volumes. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2011.

Pittie, A.: Birds in Books. Three hundred years of South Asian Ornithology. A Bibliography. With a foreword by Edward C. Dickinson. Ranikhet, Permanent Black, 2010.

Polak, M. and A. Dugrand: Trésor des Livres de Mer. De Christophe Colomb à Marin-Marie. Paris, Editions Hoëbeke, 2011.

Ross, C.: Lieutenant Nobu Shirase and the Japanese Antartic Expedition of 1910-1912. A Bibliography. Santa Monica, California, Adélie Books, 2010.

Seslavinsky, M.: The Fragrance of the Bound Book. Russian Book-Binding, XIX-XX Centuries. Moscow, 2011.

Seslavinsky, M.: Illustrated Books for Children published in Russia in the 19th Century up to 1917. Two volumes. Moscow 2011.

Shefrin, J.: The Dartons. Publishers of Educational Aids, Pastimes & Juvenile Ephemera 1787-1876. Los Angeles, Cotsen Occasional Press, 2009.

Vignes, H.: Bibliographie des éditions de Minuit. Du “Silence de la mer” à “L’Anti-Oedipe” (20 février 1942-18 février 1972). Paris, Librairie Henri Vignes / Éditions des Cendres, 2010.

Vignes, H. and P. Boudrot: Bibliographie des éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française (26 mai 1911-15 juillet 1919). Paris, Librairie Henri Vignes / Éditions des Cendres, 2011.

Vloemans, J.: Avantgarda. Typography and Photomontage in modernist Czech book production 1918-1938. The Hague, Privately Printed, 2012.

Wagner, B. and M. Reed (Eds): Early Printed Books as Material Objects. Proceedings of the Conference Organized by the IFLA Rare Books and Manuscript Section, Munich, 19-21 August 2009. De Gruyter, Saur, 2010. (IFLA Publications 149).

Walsby, M.: The Printed Book in Brittany, 1484-1600. Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2011 (Library of the Written Word, volume 14).

Weber, J.: Annotated dictionary of fore-edge painting artists & binders. The fore-edge paintings of Miss C.B. Currie with a catalogue raisonné. Los Angeles, Jeff Weber Rare Books, 2010.

Wilkinson, A.S.: Iberian Books. Books Published in Spanish or Portugese or on the Iberian Peninsula before 1601. (Libros ibéricos. Libros publicados en espanol o portugués o en la Peninsula Ibérica antes de 1601). Leiden, Boston, Brill, 2011.

Worms, L. and A. Baynton-Williams: British Map Engravers. A Dictionary of Engravers, Lithographers and their principal employers to 1850. London, Rare Book Society, 2011.

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